Geography Tutors in Perth

Our Geography Tutors, Seminars and Tutorials

Are you looking to improve your results in Geography?  We offer a range of programs which are specifically designed to review and expand your understanding of the key concepts of the curriculum, improve your ability to comprehend the syllabus and translate this understanding into particular strategies for improving examination performance.

Our tutorials and seminars will equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for academic success. Our Geography tutors are experienced high school educators and subject specialists and include teachers who are heads of department and who have WACE marking experience. They have developed a deep understanding of the curriculum and an intimate knowledge of the requirements outlined by assessment committees and know what is required to maximise exam results. Students can have confidence that what they are taught in these programs will be totally relevant to the demands of the syllabus and beneficial in improving their academic success.

Master Mind Australia provides revision and exam preparation tutoring in all aspects of ATAR Geography, as well as private tuition in humanities and social sciences for year 7‑12 students.

We offer a range of tuition services, including:

  • School Holiday Programs  provide families with affordable tutoring and academic support in small group classes. These tutorial sessions will offer students the chance to revise and expand their understanding of the topics they have studied at school and workshop how to answer ATAR-style exam questions modelled by the teacher. This strategy will better prepare them to construct successful responses in their own school-based assessments.

  • Master Classes  are weekly tutorial seminars held during term time that provide students with a detailed examination of the topics and areas of study that they are dealing with in their classes at school. This intensive focus allows for an in‑depth exploration of each topic and successfully prepares students to effectively answer assessment style questions. These tutorial classes also provide opportunities for students to seek individual academic support from their master class teachers.

  • Private Tutoring  in Perth by qualified, experienced primary and high school tutors is a proven strategy to empower the learning process. We will put you in contact with capable, quality tutors who can provide individual guidance and support and better prepare you for success in ongoing school assessments.